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Thursday, 3 May 2012

Planning a sensory garden

Edible plants can be incorporated into a sensory garden design.

A sensory garden incorporates plants that stimulate all five senses, taste, touch, sight, sound and smell. This type pf garden is ideal when working with children especially if some children have some sensory impairment.

To whet your appetite I've written an article on my website here to provide some ideas as a starting point to creating your own sensory growing area.

If you have a sensory garden or are going to create them , then I would love some photos and information to include in the example school gardens pages on the website. IN fact I'd love to include examples of any type of school garden. Don't be modest or think your garden has to be perfect to be included - we can even learn from one another's mistakes.

If you think you could help by adding your school garden to the website than
click here for more information.