As you will be aware if you browse the blog or go to this link on my website, I have created several resources which are not only appropriate for use in schools but also may be interesting for new vegetable growers.
I know that these resources are being accessed but I haven't had any feedback relating to how successful they are in use. If you have used the resources and could spare a few minutes to offer some feedback i would be really grateful. Any suggestions for improvements will be considered.
I would also be interested in any suggestions that you may have for new resources
It would also be great if you could provide some information about your school garden for the examples page of my website see here for more information. I know schools are always interested to read about how other schools tackle a gardening project.
It would also be great if you could provide some information about your school garden for the examples page of my website see here for more information. I know schools are always interested to read about how other schools tackle a gardening project.